The project of Malkovského Residence, Prague - Letňany, has received a valid building permit

Připravovaný projekt Rezidence Malkovského získal pravomocné stavební povolení. Moderní bytový dům s 13 nadzemními podlažími nabídne celkem 56 bytů s dispozicemi 1+kk až 4+kk.

The planned project of Malkovského Residence received a valid building permit. The modern apartment building with 13 floors will offer a total of 56 apartments with layouts from 1+kk to 4+kk. All apartments have a balcony or terrace, as well as majority of those apartments have a parking space and a cellar. Part of the project is a green residential terrace with elements for children and a relaxing place for meeting neighbors. This location provides all civic amenities with opportunities for leisure activities and excellent transport links. The start of sales is planned for the second half of this year.